see this work Spectacle Vivant – La Travessia – In Living Memory – Juin 2016, Marseille Ce spectacle est issu du nouveau projet artistique théâtral de la compagnie TransFORMAS, processus de création collaborative mené dans le quartier…
see this work Spectacle Vivant – Thierry Thieû Niang – In Living Memory, Juin 2016, Marseille Performance chorégraphique des participants dedans/ dehors du Projet Anima Dirigé par le chorégraphe Thierry Thieû Niang accompagné d’un musicien. Les participants au…
see this work Una vita piena di speranza Short film made by inmates and students from IULM University using archives footage from the French National Audiovisual Institute during…
see this work Lottare sospesi Short film made by inmates and students from IULM University using archives footage from the French National Audiovisual Institute during…
see this work Affamati Short film made by inmates and students from IULM University using archives footage from the French National Audiovisual Institute during…
see this work Final performance 3 – “In living memory” workshop in Milano, March 2015 Short film of the performance made by inmates, students from IULM University, and members of theatrical stable group of Bollate…
see this work Final performance 2 -“In living memory” workshop in Milano, March 2015 Short film of the performance made by inmates, students from IULM University, and members of theatrical stable group of Bollate…
see this work Final performance 1 – “In living memory” workshop in Milano, March 2015 Short film of the performance made by inmates, students from IULM University, and members of theatrical stable group of Bollate…
see this work Les maux de Morgiou Short film made by inmates and French students from Aix-Marseille University – Film Department, using archives footage from the French…
see this work Eu lembro-me Short film made by inmates and French students from Aix-Marseille University – Film Department, using archives footage from the French…
see this work La course Short film made by inmates and French students from Aix-Marseille University – Film Department, using archives footage from the French…
see this work Subsister Short film made by inmates and French students from Aix-Marseille University – Film Department, using archives footage from PhotoART Centrum…
see this work Soledad Short film made by inmates and French students from Aix-Marseille University – Film Department, using archives footage from PhotoART Centrum…
see this work Le silence résonne comme un cri Short film made by inmates and French students from Aix-Marseille University – Film Department, using archives footage from PhotoART Centrum…
see this work Final performance “In living memory” workshop in Kosice, May 2015 Editing film of the performance made by inmates, students and free adults using archives footage from PhotoART Centrum during the…
see this work Memory images, mirror images – 3 short films The 3 short films “The lesson”, “Three” and “The voiceless shouts” have been made using archives from the French National…
see this work ANIMA Excerpt from the film “ANIMA“, directed by Caroline Caccavale and Joseph Cesarini, produced by Lieux Fictifs, to be released in…
see this work Variazioni intemporali Short film made by inmates, French students from Aix-Marseille University – Film Department, and Norwegian film students from Westerdals ACT,…
see this work Le trou Short film made by inmates, French students from Aix-Marseille University – Film Department, and Norwegian film students from Westerdals ACT,…
see this work La marche Short film made by inmates, French students from Aix-Marseille University – Film Department, and Norwegian film students from Westerdals ACT,…
see this work The Miraculous Bas Jan Ader Short film made by Edvard Karijord, Babatunde Oluwalana and Bendik Mondal, students from Westerdals ACT, during “In living memory” workshop in Oslo in…
see this work Eyes closed Short film made by Wenche Luther and Caroline Johansen, two students from Westerdals ACT, during “In living memory” workshop in…
see this work Two perspectives Short film made by Westerdals ACT students, during “In living memory” workshop in Oslo in September 2014, using archives from…